Friday, July 9, 2010

Marietta Square and Stone Mountain

We started out the day with a leisurely trip to the Marietta town square. We hung out on the benches, gazebo, fountain and train play area after doing a little shopping (both window and for real). Amanda and I fell in love with a store called Doodlebugs. We both could have spent a fortune in there! (G-mama and Granddaddy did not join us that morning because they were at a doctor's appointment. G-mama had come down with a case of the shingles right before we left. It was very painful for her, but getting some attention and a prescription or two was extremely beneficial. On a side note, she was contagious. People with shingles can give the chicken pox to those who have not had them or have not been vaccinated yet. By the end of the trip Juliette had developed some spots and yep, she now has the chicken pox! A mild case, but they are there none the less. It also turns out that even if you have had the immunization shot, you can still have a mild case, which is what happened to Kassidy. She has a total of just 7 spots on her, so she had a super super mild case, but it is still the chicken pox. A fun souvenir to bring home, huh?)

In the afternoon we drove out to a place called Stone Mountain. It is a VERY large granite rock with a carving of Civil War heroes on it (we're talking football fields big here.) When night falls they have a laser show projected on the mountain. We took the tram to the top, walked to the edge to see the great view and the guys decided to hike back down it. We set up for a picnic dinner and then hung out to take in the show. Not all of us made it through the show (Konner and Kassidy both fell asleep), but it was a great time. It was the first of a few late nights we had on our trip.

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