Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Exciting E Day

The letter E! Today we did everything with Emily! After a breakfast of eggs and English muffins, Emily came over for a little bit of exercise in the backyard. For lunch we ate egg salad sandwiches. Then it was over to the mall to ride the elevator up to the food court. After Emily and Kyler took a few trips up and down the escalator, we sat down to eat some egg rolls.

Things we also learned:
Places we go- Elephant Bar, East Side Mario's
Foods we eat- eggs, egg salad, egg rolls, enchiladas, English muffins
Things around us- envelopes, eyes, ears, eagles
Activities we do- ride elevators and escalators, exercise, eat

Monday, June 29, 2009

Delightful D Day

The letter D! Before we even got started with the day's planned activities, Grammy surprised the kids with three Dodge vehicles to play with. We then headed to Downtown Disney. In the Lego store we had our picture made with Darth Vadar, Kyler played with some duplos and even got to take a set of duplos home. In the Disney store we found Donald and Daisy. After a picnic lunch we had a delectable dessert from Haagen-Dazs (I know it's a bit of a stretch!). All three kids even dozed off on the way home. Later Klyer help to walk the dogs at Grammy and Granddaddy's.

Things we also learned:
Places we go- Downtown Disney, Dairy Queen, Dodger Stadium
Foods we eat- donuts, dessert, deviled eggs, drumsticks
Things around us- Dodges, drinks, diapers, dirt, dinosaur toys, duplos, ducks, daddy, drums, doors, dresses
Activities we do- dance, dodge ball, dog washing, dog walking, doodle, draw

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!

I had the pleasure of helping to throw a baby shower for my sister-in-law Amanda in my backyard (thanks to my mom and Susie who also were the hostesses). She is having a little girl (yay!) so I decided to have an everything "sweet" theme. It was very warm outside (to put it mildly), but we had a great time. The chocolate fountain was flowing and the guests visited a "candy bar" to get a goodie bag for the way home. We found out how girly everyone was with a game (Cindy Fritz-the most, Cheryl Ross-the least!!). There was a contest in teams to design cute onsises (good job ladies, they were all sooo cute and clever). Amanda received so many cute outfits, including a clothesline with outfits that stretched the length of the backyard. Let's just say that this girl is going to be VERY well dressed!

Cool C Day

The letter C! Since we were running around doing lots of things in preparation for a baby shower the next day, C day was a little less eventful. We did go to Costco and buy LOTS of candy and chocolate. We ate carrots and drank cranberry juice for a snack. We ate churros at dinner and Kyler wore a crown. Last we all shared a yummy cookie from Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jeremy.\

Things we also learned:
Places we go- Costco, church, Carl's Jr.
Foods we eat- cookies, cake, cupcakes, candy, chocolate, churros, crackers, chips, oh yeah, carrots, corn, cauliflower and corn too!
Things around us- cars, cymbals, cans, carousel, crown
Activities we do- cry, craft, crunch

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Best B Day

The letter B! We went bowling at Cal Bowl and used the bumpers. We ate burgers at Burger King. We bought a book at Barnes & Noble. Kassidy got a big bump on her head. We at bananas at dinner and boogied down (check out Konner below!) while listening to a band. Lastly the kids took a bath.

Here is also what we learned:
Places we go- Burger King, Bible class, bank, Barnes & Noble
Foods we eat- burgers, bananas, beans, berries, bread, butter, burritos, broccoli
Things around us- bus, book, ball, bear,bunny, blankie, baby, Bible, butterfly, bugs, brush, boots
Activities we do- bowling, basketball, baseball, bath, blog

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Amazing A Day

The letter A! We had an artichoke we bought from Albertsons with lunch. Later we ate an apple with dinner. We went to see the Angels at Angel Stadium and took our picture with Aunt Amanda.

Here is also what we learned:
Places we go- Arby's, Albertsons, Angel Stadium
Foods we eat- artichoke, apple, apple juice, applesauce, avocado
Things around us- airplane, arms
Activities we do- art, act silly

Monday, June 22, 2009

Amazing Alphabet Adventure

Tomorrow we are beginning a summer-long project I came up with to make the summer more fun. Going on a great vacation was just not in the budget this year so we are going to do a little preschool fun. About 3 times each we are going to have a letter of the day. We will practice writing it, coloring pictures of things that start with it, practicing using the computer mouse to "color" pictures, talk about things around us that begin with that letter, and try to take our pictures in front of places that start with that letter. My goal is to have Kyler start writing his letters not just recognize them. It should keep us busy each week with different letters to explore. Tomorrow is A Day, so visit often and see what we discovered!

Here are some of the websites where I found all the great stuff I am using.



Sunday, June 21, 2009


Here's what we've been up to. I'll try to give you the Reader's Digest version.

Sunday: Church, tutor for upcoming finals, pick up cake and balloons, after church go to surprise graduation party for Terri from church (we crashed her work group by walking in with all the supplies for a party - she was definitely surprised!)

Monday: Work, decorate for retirement dinner, attend retirement dinner (have seating crisis - room set up for 140, but actually 137, then have 146 attendees), get home to kids already asleep (Kassidy was sick all day, lots of icky clothes and sheets, sorry G-mama), fold three baskets of laundry

Tuesday: Work, tutor 4 kids in a row for finals, eat dinner at coffee shop, get home to already bathed kids (thanks Jason)

Wednesday: Work (it's finals), go to lunch with friend from work, run errands, get gift for student teacher, only tutor one student, have two sick boys, leave all male members at home while girls go to church

Thursday: Work (it's finals again), have to set up for Faculty breakfast the next day during work, go shopping for TONS of fruit for breakfast after work, return to work finish setting up, go to graduation, celebrate with teacher friends at El Torito

Friday: Get to work early to turn on coffee for Faculty Breakfast, run out of seating again for second time this week (let me just put it out there that it is VERY important to RSVP for things - okay I am done), have kid take make-up final at noon, finally get around to cleaning up classroom and getting all check-out signatures collected, be one of last people to leave campus, get home and find a sick husband, go with G-mama and kids to graduation party for Joshua from church

Saturday: Jason still a bit sick, get Kassidy's hair cut (well her bangs, she looks like a little girl now!), go to Malino's pirate birthday party at the park- ARGHHH!, boys stay at party (get taken to Grammy and Granddaddy's who have just flown back in town from being on vacation by Aunt Laura and Uncle Darvin - thanks!), girls change clothes in parking lot and go to baby shower for Aunt Amanda given by Tustin congregation, get home and change clothes again, go to graduation party for Wolfe kids - Nathan and Emily from church, go to dinner for Father's Day with whole family at Fuddrucker's, come home, collapse
Okay, so I didn't have much time for any cute pics this week, but there's a few. Theone below is from the week before, but shares our sentiments from this week perfectly. Here's to a more restful summer vacation!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Please" & "Baby"

We have been teaching the babies sign language in an attempt to help them have better vocabulary and communicating skills. We did this with Kyler and think it really helped him become a "good talker" early. So with Kassidy and Konner we have been teaching them signs for animals and things like "all done," "more," and "milk" for a while. Kassidy has been using the sign for milk for months whenever she is thirsty and both have been know to say "more" and "all done." But recently both have done "please" when we ask for it too. Kassidy is really good at it and, well, Konner will do it when he feels like it. The coolest was last night when Konner used the sign for "baby" when we were reading a book! I haven't even been trying to teach him that one, but he must have picked it up when we talk about Kassidy's little baby doll.

I have been trying to get both recorded on video saying "please" to share with everyone for two weeks now, but Konner will just not cooperate. Last night I was able get him saying baby , so you can enjoy that. (Just so you can recognize what they are saying, "please" is making a circle on your chest with your flat hand and "baby" is putting your arms out like your are holding a baby and rocking side to side. They are definitely signing the right way, just realize that they are doing it "baby" style, so it's not exact.)

Monday, June 8, 2009

We Love Smores!

Our financial advisor has a couple of events each year for his clients. One is a dinner and bonfire in June. This past Saturday evening that is where we headed. The food was yummy (hot dogs, burgers and grilled chicken) and we discovered the babies LOVE macaroni salad - who knew! Kyler had a blast playing in the sand with a couple of other boys that were there. Konner really liked the sand too - well actually liked to throw the sand. The best part of the night is smore time! The babies were whining to get more, more, more. It was a bit chilly so we headed home early, but a nice little night out.