Thursday, March 25, 2010

We Are In

Kyler is now officially enrolled for Kindergarten for the fall! He will be going to Los Alamitos Elementary, the nearest elementary school to my work. It was a big decision deciding where he was to go, but we thought this was the best for us. I was also very nervous for a while that he would not be able to attend there. You see, we are not in the Los Alamitos Unified School District but in Long Beach's. With the budget crisis of late and with state funding tied to enrollment, we were not sure that Long Beach would release him. It was a long 2 and half weeks waiting to see if we had made the cut, but we did, and were then accepted to the school I wanted him in. Kyler is definitely excited to be going on to a new school next year. I am excited too. I can't wait to see what's in store for him. He will probably be one of the youngest in his class (the deadline birth date is December 1), but after talking with his preschool teacher, I can't imagine him not moving on up come September. Man, they grow up fast don't they.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Time for a Haircut

Ya think it is about time for us to get some haircuts? It's on the list for Saturday - don't worry.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Orange you glad...

We had a fun Fox family night out. My work BFF has season tickets to the Ducks and she could not go to Friday night's game so she offered them to us. We had a great time!! The Ducks haven't been on the best streak lately so there was plenty of seats to spread out in. I am not sure whether my favorite moment of the night was - Konner getting stuck in the seat when it folded up at least five times during the night (he is so skinny and too light to hold it down himself) OR Kassidy jumping up and down the entire third period trying to stay awake OR Kassidy's crying fit ALL the way to the car (because she had to put her jacket on) and everyone saying to her, "It's okay!! The Ducks won sweetie." OR Konner free-trowing his pacifier three rows down and having it land right in a boy's nacho chip bag (it was truly a money shot). No, it was the nacho paci. At least it wasn't in the cheese, right?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green With Envy

Don't you wish you looked as snazzy as these guys dressed in their best green for St. Patrick's Day? Did you check out Jason's handsome tie that Kyler made and begged him to wear? Yep, that's right Jason wore it to church tonight (half on a dare and half because that is just what kind of guy he is). Too fun!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yum...I Guess

Last week at Kyler's last soccer class, Konner and Kassidy were trying to keep themsleves out of trouble. So I guess they decided that since I wouldn't let them have the cones marking the soccer field they would play around the light pole. But of course running in circles around it wasn't good enough, so, of course, the next logical thing to do then is to lick the light pole. Yep you read that right, I said lick. Maybe it was covered in salt or sugar, but both of them thought it was a great idea. (I only got Konner on the camera, but rest assured Kass was right there doing it with him.) But it's been a week and they are still alive, so I guess no harm, no foul. Man, my kids are fun, huh?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy St. Eastereen

So Kyler comes up to me tonight wearing this hat from preschool and says to me, "Trick or Treat, can I have an egg?" Goofy kid.