Friday, April 30, 2010


I usually like my posts to be happy and a sharing of the happenings and going-ons of the Fox family. But, today I need to request something of you. G-mama (my grandma) has been in the ICU for the past three days. She went in with a SUPER crazy urinary tract infection, was kept because of an elevated heart rate, and sometime in this process has had a very small heart attack. They are keeping her over the weekend and doing an angiogram (I think) sometime next week. Here's what I need from you:
-Please pray that she will be OK. Really OK, not just kinda OK, but ALL better soon.
-Please pray that we will be able to come up with all the creative child care plans so the kids have someone to watch them while g-mama is in the hospital and recovering.
-Please pray for those people who will have to watch my kids so that their generosity will continue to overflow.
-Please just pray for us.
Thanks and here's to hoping that all has turned around in a week.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Truth

Just a small snip-it from today courtesy of Kyler. It's our Gospel Meeting, and this evening we had the visiting preacher and his wife over for dinner. We were setting the table and talking about who would sit where. Kyler said (and I just about fell over laughing and then ran to get a pen to perfectly record it), "I want to sit by that guy who talks for a really long time at church." Ah, out of the mouth of babes!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Two Ring Circus

The twinsies birthday party this past week was a huge success. Our circus included snacks of cotton candy, peanuts and popcorn. The kids got tickets to play some carnival games and earned tickets to trade in for some fun prizes. I made a circus tent cake for Kassidy and a lion cake for Konner. They, of course, were showered with great gifts (there are a lot of people who just love them so much!). The weather was great, the games were tons of fun and a good time was had by all. I am still in desbelief that they are two already! (I will have some more to say about that in a future post.) So for now, enjoy some (and I mean a LOT) of pictures from their party.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Downwood Derby

Kyler once saw a movie at Grammy and Granddaddy's called "Down and Derby" about a pinewood derby car race. Ever since he has wanted his own "downwood derby" car. I thought Easter was the perfect time to have one appear for him and daddy to work on together. So last weekend they sanded, designed, painted, assembled, accessorized and proudly made a car just for Kyler. The car looks great, but I really think the best part was their time spent together. Check it out.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Kassidy might now "officially" be a little girl. Check out our toenails, super girly, huh? Best part - she sat perfectly still while I did both feet.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Jason planned a date. The destination was a secret all week long. I never guessed it right. I had to wear a dress. At our table at the restaurant were these. We ate dessert. We even got to go to a movie. Nice. Very nice.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Sweet Wedding for a Sweet Girl

Last weekend one of my good friends got married. I am so proud of what a lovely young woman she has become and was happy she included our whole family to witness her special day. We all got gussied up and headed out for a beautiful late afternoon wedding and dinner. Congrats Megan and Matt - we wish you all the best!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break - Day 5

Friday: It was an easy-peasy type day. We went to Granddaddy's work so he could show off the kids and then he took us all out to lunch. We met Aunt Amanda and Juliette, even Jason took a long lunch break, and the kids got to run around in the play area. While the kids took an afternoon nap, my mom and I went to get a foot massage (which was actually a head, neck, back and leg massage) and a new place in the neighborhood. It was a GREAT deal, extremely relaxing, and a nice little treat. When Jason got home he and Kyler started to work on his derby car that he got in his Easter basket. (I will do another post on that when it gets all done.) Breaks from work are always nice, but they ALWAYS seem to go too fast. Good thing Memorial Day is just two months away!

P.S. On a bummer note, my e-mail was hacked into or something this morning and everyone in my mailbox got sent a message from me. I don't even know what "I" sent everyone. So please delete them and again I am super sorry!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Srping Break - Day 4

Thursday: We had planned from a long time ago, that some time during Spring Break we would be taking a trip to the Grove in LA to visit American Girl Place and today was the day. We needed to get Kassidy's birthday present - a set of Bitty Twins. (I am pretty sure that Kass doesn't actually know I bought any dolls, she was too busy playing, and am also fairly certain she doesn't read the blog, so rest assured I haven't let the cat out of the bag!) We took along our Emily to help wrangle kids and just to hang out with, and had a nice morning and lunch. The weather was fantastic, the shopping fun, and even the traffic was tolerable, which made for a lovely day.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break - Day 3

Wednesday: I can't believe it's over half over! So after a very lazy morning and a simple lunch we decided to have a little art project day. We went to our local Paint 'N Glaze and the kids made a bowl each. OK, Grammy and I helped a bit especially with the insides, but they did each make their own creation. We'll see the finished project next week. Kyler spent the rest of the afternoon at Grammy's house and the twins got comfy together on Konner's bed while watching a show. A nice and slow kind of day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break - Day 2

Tuesday: First adventure of the day was to load up the car (literally) with me, the three kids, Grammy, Aunt Amanda, Juliette, and Megan's Aunt Amanda (that's what we like to call her, it eases the confusion - she's also known as OUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER!) and headed to San Juan Capistrano. It is time for the twinsies birthday pictures, so it was off to the San Juan Capistrano train station, for some funky backdrops and (hopefully) that illusive three child group shot. We had a great time, and thankfully Amanda is very patient and full of energy - I'll bet she sleeps well tonight - and I can't wait to see the finished products. Next Gramma brought over some Easter treats for the kids and a short visit - thanks Gramma! We then had a little picnic and playtime in the backyard and then went out for a little frozen yogurt treat before snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie that found it's way into Kassidy's Easter basket. A full day indeed - I think tomorrow might be a little more laid back!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break - Day 1

Monday: Do some fun stuff you don't really have time to normally do. For instance, go to a movie. Grammy, I and all three kids headed off to the movies to see "How to Train Your Dragon." We all loved it, it was truly a joy to sit through (no kidding). The babies did not cry or even fuss once - it was one for the victory column. The secret, lots of individual boxes of popcorn and both little ones napping through the last half hour or so both snuggled in mom's lap. Then after dinner, we headed out for an impromptu game of mini golf at Golf 'N Stuff. It was a little cool and windy, but that's what jackets are for, right? The babies went along fairly well till the back nine, when Kassidy decided that she was done. Worst part for her was when she had to give back her pink ball at the end and all the way home all we heard was "pink ball." When we were all done, Kyler said that it was really fun and then asked if he had the highest score. When Grammy told him yes, but that it meant he wasn't the winner, he was still okay with it. A good start to a week off. You'll have to wait to see what's in store for tomorrow.