Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a Team!

At work yesterday we got to dress up even though it wasn't quite Halloween yet. For the past few years the ladies in the math department have dressed up as a school group or sport. This year we thought it would be fun to be the guys lacrosse team. We were able to borrow the team jerseys and students on the team lent us their gear for the day. We looked great and it was a lot of fun. I have included our "team picture" as well as our pictures from the previous years. Last year we were baseball, the year before soccer, before that show choir, and our first year at it basketball (I had my own basketball in my belly that year being pregnant with Kyler!). Every year the students all think we look great by showing off our Griffin pride!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Time

Kyler's preschool class has definitely been getting into the Halloween spirit. For the past few weeks he has been bringing some some way cute artwork so I thought I'd share some of his handiwork. Today he got to wear his costume to preschool and the kids walked around to some of the high school classrooms to trick-or-treat. They even made their way all the way across campus to visit my classroom! It was so fun to see Kyler with all his friends. I think this preschool class is one of the best things for him.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we visited a real farm to pick out our pumpkins. All of us plus Grammy, Granddaddy, Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Amanda, Juliette, and even Aunt Wendy made our way to Tenaka Farms in Irvine. We took a ride on a wagon pulled by a tractor, saw a way cool pumpkin canon, found plies of pumpkins to climb on, got "lost" in a corn maze, met a few scarecrows, and picked out our very own pumpkins right off the vine. It was a warm afternoon, but my heart was especially warmed with all the great family fun time we got in. I took a ton of pictures, so I'll just try to include the best ones. We will definitely be going back during another season to check out another one of their "tours." After dinner each kid and I worked on making their "Mr. Potato Head" pumpkins - or I guess "Mr. Pumkin Head" would be more accurate.
(P.S. If you see an extra guy in any of the pictures, it is "Flat Stanley." We are helping out our cousin Blair from Georgia out with her school project.)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Itty Bitty Football

For the past few Fridays Kyler has been going to a football "class." It's through the city and is meant to teach little kids about a sport. The class has about 12 3-5 year-olds learning about, practicing the fundamentals, and playing flag football. They've learned about the football and its laces, what offense and defense mean, how to punt, catch, and throw. Kyler always has a good time and it is just too cute watching them run around doing the "drills"! Today they even played a "game." Every kid gets a chance to do each activity and it's a good way to burn off some of his energy. I think we'll be taking the class again the next season when it's a new sport. Here's a few pics and a short video of class today and from two weeks ago.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What a Week!!

Could we be more tired? No time for pictures the past wekk (crazy I know). Our gospel meeting was last week - that meant early mornings, long days (trying to squeeze in all my tutoring before church), and very late nights (we had some good, thought provoking stuff, but it took a while). We've all been a little on the sick side, but I think we're almost better now. Kyler is loving preschool, but still nothing happens everyday! We've got a lot coming up soon, so I won't be gone for so long again, I promise. Now, back to those tests I have to grade!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Homecoming Week

This past week was Homecoming week at the school where I work. They always have dress-up days to get the kids involved. A group of us math teachers always like to show off our school spirit by participating with the students. Sometimes I think we have more than the students do!! At any rate we have a fun time trying to come up with cute outfits to wear for the week.

The first day was Mix Match Day. Instead of looking silly and all crazy we decided to create our own version. We made shirts that had letters all mixed up on the front and then matched them all up on the back like a test to spell out either Geometry or Algebra.
Another day was Twin Day. One of our teachers found this great shirt at Khol's we all picked up. It's a math book and a calculator (how perfect right!). The math book says to the calculator, "I got a problem." The calculator replies, "Yo! I'll solve it!" It's actually a line from "Ice, Ice Baby" which makes it even more funny.
My favorite day is always pj day. I found these great jammies with apples on them at Target and thought it was to perfect to pass up. When Kyler saw me that morning he said, "Are you wearing apple jammies to work?"
I love that I get to have tons of fun with the people I work with. Thanks ladies for making it so great to go work!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Preschool = Paper & Paint

Kyler has spent a whole six days in preschool so far and I can tell you that I know very little about how he spends his days. In typical male-of-the-species fashion, he is a boy of few words about how it geos each morning. Kyler can never remember (or just chooses not to share) what has gone on that day except what he ate for his snack! I do know he has learned to sit "criss-cross applesauce" and that they do a LOT of art. He has brought home several projects that are too cute. Today was his first "share day." It took him forever to decide what to bring but finally decided on his Mater and Tractor cars. I am not sure how much or what he said but I do know that everyone got to touch the said shared item with one finger only. There are some things I am sure of, he is having fun, is learning some of the other boys names and always wants to go back. Looks like it going to fun a fun and crafty year!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dinner Time with Daddy

Now that school is in full gear I have a lot of students I am tutoring on the side. This means Jason is in charge of making dinner and watching the kids while I am gone. One night last week he snapped some pictures of the kids playing while he was out grilling. I didn't even know they were on the camera until I went to look back at it for something else. Looks like its a lot of fun when Mommy's not home!!