Monday, May 31, 2010

2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off

For the second year in a row we have held a Memorial Day Weekend chili cook-off in our backyard. It is always lots of fun. We taste test with little cups of chili, rank them and then declare a winner. This year's best cook, my dad, Jerry. Nice job Daddy! We played games and ate dessert into the dark hours of the night. You probably know that I love to throw parties and get-togethers, but it just warms my heart when the people I love are gathered together having fun. Here's to next year's...a rematch anyone?
The winning batch - yum!


So Jason is having a hard time right now. On Thursday he went in to see our doctor with some sharp back pain. His diagnosis, a kidney stone. Some of our family has had these in the past so they know how hard this is to have. Thing is we are not 100% sure that is what it is. Hardest part, everyone else is not in a hurry to figure this out. He couldn't get an x-ray until noon on Friday and then it is not being read until 2:30 tomorrow - yeah on Tuesday. It is just so hard not knowing if it is that or something else. He has so many problems in that tummy region of his.
It is also hard not having him help. We are most assuredly a team. I am not meant to do this as a solo act. Of course we are having a super busy Memorial weekend (a lot by my own creation), so I think it is just the wrong thing at the wrong time, but when are medical problems ever convenient, right.
Let's just hope things won't be so hard (for all of us), really soon.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

An Angel Game

The Foxes (well four of our five - more about that later) decided to crash Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda's idea of taking in an Angel game this past Friday night. We weren't all sitting together, but the babies had room to move around and play. I enjoyed the game while they loved the snacks and peanuts, and the music. It was firework Friday, my favorite, but if you ask Kassidy about them she will tell you that there was "sparkles in the sky," that they just "kept coming," and that "Kassidy was crying." Juliette loved them - my kind of girl. Konner is starting to blossom into a little talker and will say "Go Angels" (and "Go Dodgers") now, but only when Kyler asks him too.
On a side note, I would like to tell you how proud of my two little ones I am. There was a young man with Down's Syndrome sitting right in front of us. The kids could tell that he was "different" but they were super friendly and even went to him and each sat with him for a few minutes. Konner cuddled and Kassidy talked to him, the boy loved it so much. I love those two little guys and their big hearts.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Making a Birdie House

Kyler saw this birdhouse project kit and Target and Grammy was only too happy to buy it for him. So Granddaddy and Kyler put it together and then all the kids got to help paint it. Kyler got to pain the roof and front, and Kassidy and Konner each got a side. When it was all dry Kyler wrote each of their names on the bottom. It now hangs outside of the boys' window. Thanks Granddaddy for taking time out to create such a treasure. Here's a look.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Party Hardy!

The past two weekends we had the pleasure of going to two great birthday parties for two great cousins. Last week, it was for Tyler. The weather couldn't have been better, the bounce house tons of fun, but the best part was the two ponies the kids got to ride. Way too much fun. Today's party was for Brandon, can't believe he's already 6! We headed over to Kidnastics, a gymnastics and cheer gym. The kids played hard on the various shapes, beams, bars, trampolines, slides, and so much more. Busy and super fun Saturdays. Here's a quick look.

(Check out Konner! Doesn't he remind you of one of those Jesus Lizard, the kind that can "walk" on water.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 Year Check Up

Kassidy and Konner had their 2 year check-up yesterday. The are A-OK! No shots (nice for them) and a sucker and a sticker each for them at the end of the visit (really nice for them!). Kassidy weighs in at 24 pounds and is 32.25 inches. Konner is just 23 pounds and is 32.5 inches. The doctor reports that yes they are teeny, but growing just fine. The nurse was impressed with how grown-up they acted, especially since I was by myself. They hopped right on the scale and stood with their feet next to the wall like they had been doing it for years (instead of it being the first time). Here are a few more "Amanda" pictures to enjoy, even though they have nothing to do with going to the doctor's!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To All Our Moms

We are blessed to have lots of moms and grandmas in our lives. So here is a little note to each of them. We love you and hope your Mother's Day was filled with the love and appreciation that you all so richly deserve.
Thank you...
Janice, for being a great example, a great shopping buddy and the always available babysitter in a crunch.
Loretta, for showing that hard work pays off and how to not stop dreaming for what you want.
Pinky, for being so supportive and for making lots and lots of the best tacos.
Fayon, for being working tirelessly to take care of my children while I have it easy at work and for being the toughest lady I know.
Donnie, for reminding me that every day is a "special day" and for teaching me how to be the "hostess with the mostest."
Betty, for showing how to successfully raise a large (and rambunctious) family.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Konner is Two Too

Dear Konner,
Man little man, welcome to Two. Boy it has been fast and while you are a year older I feel like you are still my little baby boy. You are such a little pip squeak compared to some other two year olds, but that just makes it easier to cuddle with you. You are so different from your brother and sister (the drama king and queen of the household) in regards to your personality, it's a nice different, trust me. I think you are just as happy sitting on the sidelines. It usually take you a while to warm up to things, but you just do things at your own pace. Your vocabulary is not as large as Kassidy's is (yet) but you sure know how to say "mommy" and "daddy" with urgency. You call Kassidy "baby" which is too cute. We think you already have an imaginary friend "Bobby." It's funny you call for him and point to him every now and then. You have adopted one of Kassidy's twin Cabbage Patch dolls from Santa as your own. If she can be a little mommy, then you can certainly be a little a little father. You are very stubborn. When you want something you will not rest until you get it. If you have a treat it needs to be two, one for each hand. I hope that you will always be the individual you have set yourself out to be. I love you little man.

Kassidy is Two

Dear Kassidy,
Welcome to Two my baby girl. You are such a grown up little girl, sometimes I think that you think you might already be five ;-). You are talking up a storm, and know so many words I didn't even think you had heard of before. I am constantly impressed with your ever growing vocabulary and ability to repeat things. Your are ever still the drama queen but with just a bit of princess mixed in. You favorite color is pink (something I did not encourage, but happened anyway) and would wear a dress everyday if I let you. You love to care for your babies, but love just as much to antagonize both your brothers (what a good sister you are). You have the most melt your hear dimples that everyone is drawn to. You love to look pretty and will (thankfully) sit very still to let me do your hair. Your favorite thing to watch is "Signing Time" and you still use just as many signs as words. When you are tired and need a nap you like to ask g-mama to bounce you on her legs till you fall asleep, she always complies. You love to have your back scratched at night right before you sleep. When you say goodbye to people you have to have a kiss, a hug, a head kiss and then sometimes another kiss (it's too cute). You like to take charge of Konner and so I see a lot of me in you (hope you use that leadership well). You are not afraid to meet new people (I like that about you). I can't wait to see how much you grow in this upcoming year and know that you will be constantly surprising me and daddy. Love you baby girl!