Monday, May 3, 2010

Konner is Two Too

Dear Konner,
Man little man, welcome to Two. Boy it has been fast and while you are a year older I feel like you are still my little baby boy. You are such a little pip squeak compared to some other two year olds, but that just makes it easier to cuddle with you. You are so different from your brother and sister (the drama king and queen of the household) in regards to your personality, it's a nice different, trust me. I think you are just as happy sitting on the sidelines. It usually take you a while to warm up to things, but you just do things at your own pace. Your vocabulary is not as large as Kassidy's is (yet) but you sure know how to say "mommy" and "daddy" with urgency. You call Kassidy "baby" which is too cute. We think you already have an imaginary friend "Bobby." It's funny you call for him and point to him every now and then. You have adopted one of Kassidy's twin Cabbage Patch dolls from Santa as your own. If she can be a little mommy, then you can certainly be a little a little father. You are very stubborn. When you want something you will not rest until you get it. If you have a treat it needs to be two, one for each hand. I hope that you will always be the individual you have set yourself out to be. I love you little man.

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