Monday, May 3, 2010

Kassidy is Two

Dear Kassidy,
Welcome to Two my baby girl. You are such a grown up little girl, sometimes I think that you think you might already be five ;-). You are talking up a storm, and know so many words I didn't even think you had heard of before. I am constantly impressed with your ever growing vocabulary and ability to repeat things. Your are ever still the drama queen but with just a bit of princess mixed in. You favorite color is pink (something I did not encourage, but happened anyway) and would wear a dress everyday if I let you. You love to care for your babies, but love just as much to antagonize both your brothers (what a good sister you are). You have the most melt your hear dimples that everyone is drawn to. You love to look pretty and will (thankfully) sit very still to let me do your hair. Your favorite thing to watch is "Signing Time" and you still use just as many signs as words. When you are tired and need a nap you like to ask g-mama to bounce you on her legs till you fall asleep, she always complies. You love to have your back scratched at night right before you sleep. When you say goodbye to people you have to have a kiss, a hug, a head kiss and then sometimes another kiss (it's too cute). You like to take charge of Konner and so I see a lot of me in you (hope you use that leadership well). You are not afraid to meet new people (I like that about you). I can't wait to see how much you grow in this upcoming year and know that you will be constantly surprising me and daddy. Love you baby girl!

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