Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Here is what it means to Jason to be a dad:
-He works harder at home than he does at work.
-He gets to come home to hugs and kisses every day.
-He gets to watch cartoons with the kids, and enjoys them maybe more than the kids.
-He has several Disney movies memorized.
-He can clean up a toy filled room in record speed.
(Jason is a man of few words, so this is all I could get out of him!)
Happy Father's Day Jason!!!
And to our dads too - Jerry and Bill, thanks for great example you are to Jason. We hope your Father's Day was as special as you are to us!!

Tiki and Toes

So Friday was (FINALLY) the last day of school. June is always a rough month, tons of tutoring, retirement parties to organize and attend, end of the year breakfast to organize, last minute grading, etc., the list could go on and on. So when the breakfast was all set up and ready to go, I couldn't help but feel a ton of relief. Here's our cute Tiki theme we had this year.
Later in the day I was able to tag along with my mom and Amanda as they were treating themselves to a Mother's Day gift pedicure. I felt I deserved it too!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Preschooler No More!

Kyler is officially done with preschool! He has done many a craft (actually hundreds of them), learned a song or two, made and played with new friends, and had a wonderful time. Thanks to all his "teachers" (the high school students in the ROP class) who designed wonderful activities and the "real" teachers who made it run so smoothly. Now it is on to kindergarten. We have a few skills to work on over the summer, but he is ready for the challenge. Here's a pic of him on his last day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here and There

Here is just some in and outs of what's been happening around here:

Jason: Went on a work trip to the lovely land called Bakersfield for half a week. Lots of overtime for everyone (him, G-mama, Grammy - thanks guys!!)
Janelle: Really didn't get to see inside of house before 9:00 at night each evening last week. Retirement dinner to set up & attend & take down, tutoring, tutoring, tutoring, math department party for retirees, oh yeah, more tutoring. This next week promises to be the same on the busy meter.
Kyler: Had last full week of preschool last week. Thursday was a carnival where they actually got some candy (instead of those healthy snacks). Last two days are Monday and Tuesday. He is being really "difficult" lately. I think the half-year times are the most trying - it's something I have noticed.
Kassidy: Got her stitches out of Thursday. Bad news on having a scar. Since it is a vertical cut, it will grow with her, fun. Hope she likes bangs! Doctor did say that as soon as the bandage strips he put on fall off we could start putting lotions with vitamin E on it. Hopefully that will help. Grammy said she screamed the whole time getting them out - don't think it hurt, just the memory association.
Konner: Has started talking a ton. Good thing he knows sign language though because the words only kinda sound like they are supposed to. He is really into reading books right now. He sleeps with one very night - no favorite, just whatever is handy.

We are all very busy, just trying to finish out the school year with our sanity intact. Al...most...done...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Stitch in Time

This morning I was at the swap meet with a friend from work working on some centerpieces for the upcoming retirement dinner.
Meanwhile, the kids were with my mom.
Kassidy fell down and put a nice gash in her forehead.
It would not stop seeping blood.
We went to urgent care.
Two hours later we are finally seen. (That is a lot if "I Spy" and making of airplanes with their business cards. BTW there is no urgency from anyone working at urgent care.)
Three people check her out. She closes her eyes with such seriousness and patience while they shine the bright light at her. The verdict - stiches.
Hardest part they say is the numbing shots. It's so painful she is screaming and can't stop.
Guy leaves to let it kick in, she calms down, but knows better when he comes back in. She has seen enough of this guy.
She screams the whole time she gets stitches, "Let me go," and "Kassidy all done." She can't feel anything, but knows what happened the last time the guy was working on her forehead. All she wants is for mommy to hold her, but I have to hold her down. Broke my heart.
When it was all done, all she had to say was "Konner's turn." Not this time, baby girl we explain. (Every time we have gone to the doctor, they always do it together.)
She now has three stitches and is officially the first of the Fox kids to need them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just Like That

So, Jason is cured. I guess, that is. When he finally got in to see the doctor yesterday, he checked the x-ray, asked about any pain, and then declared the whole thing all finished. Done, just like that. It all seemed so anti-climatic (but Jason says that is because I was not the one in pain). I am not sure what I was expecting, but it was not that.
So in the end, thanks to all who pitched in with that extra help, extra prayers and extra patience. It is nice to be back at full strength.