Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here and There

Here is just some in and outs of what's been happening around here:

Jason: Went on a work trip to the lovely land called Bakersfield for half a week. Lots of overtime for everyone (him, G-mama, Grammy - thanks guys!!)
Janelle: Really didn't get to see inside of house before 9:00 at night each evening last week. Retirement dinner to set up & attend & take down, tutoring, tutoring, tutoring, math department party for retirees, oh yeah, more tutoring. This next week promises to be the same on the busy meter.
Kyler: Had last full week of preschool last week. Thursday was a carnival where they actually got some candy (instead of those healthy snacks). Last two days are Monday and Tuesday. He is being really "difficult" lately. I think the half-year times are the most trying - it's something I have noticed.
Kassidy: Got her stitches out of Thursday. Bad news on having a scar. Since it is a vertical cut, it will grow with her, fun. Hope she likes bangs! Doctor did say that as soon as the bandage strips he put on fall off we could start putting lotions with vitamin E on it. Hopefully that will help. Grammy said she screamed the whole time getting them out - don't think it hurt, just the memory association.
Konner: Has started talking a ton. Good thing he knows sign language though because the words only kinda sound like they are supposed to. He is really into reading books right now. He sleeps with one very night - no favorite, just whatever is handy.

We are all very busy, just trying to finish out the school year with our sanity intact. Al...most...done...

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