Friday, June 12, 2009

"Please" & "Baby"

We have been teaching the babies sign language in an attempt to help them have better vocabulary and communicating skills. We did this with Kyler and think it really helped him become a "good talker" early. So with Kassidy and Konner we have been teaching them signs for animals and things like "all done," "more," and "milk" for a while. Kassidy has been using the sign for milk for months whenever she is thirsty and both have been know to say "more" and "all done." But recently both have done "please" when we ask for it too. Kassidy is really good at it and, well, Konner will do it when he feels like it. The coolest was last night when Konner used the sign for "baby" when we were reading a book! I haven't even been trying to teach him that one, but he must have picked it up when we talk about Kassidy's little baby doll.

I have been trying to get both recorded on video saying "please" to share with everyone for two weeks now, but Konner will just not cooperate. Last night I was able get him saying baby , so you can enjoy that. (Just so you can recognize what they are saying, "please" is making a circle on your chest with your flat hand and "baby" is putting your arms out like your are holding a baby and rocking side to side. They are definitely signing the right way, just realize that they are doing it "baby" style, so it's not exact.)

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