Friday, July 16, 2010

Atlanta Botanical Gardens and Westward Ho!

It was the day we were to travel to Alabama but we thought we would squeeze in one more activity before heading over. So we drove back into Atlanta to check out the Botanical Garden. We enjoyed their new "canopy walk" through the tree tops, hung out for a while in the children's play area, and saw some captivating fountains.
After seeing those sights we went to the opposite side of the gardens to their conservatory and orchid greenhouse. We saw some cool frogs of all colors, a quail family including some newly hatched chicks, and then the most amazing orchids you have ever laid your eyes on. There were sooo many different colors and shapes - they were truly breathtaking.
By the time we were done there, the heat was starting to get to us, so we decided is was about time for lunch and the drive over to Oxford. It wasn't the smoothest travel we had (Konner had two bouts of a very carsick tummy - yuck!), but we got there relatively unscathed. We were treated to a warm welcome, a full turkey dinner with cornbread stuffing and all the fixins and just hung out for the remainder of the evening.

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