Monday, May 11, 2009

A Day With Daddy

Jason took today off to spend some time with the kids and just enjoy himself. I am not sure it was as restful as he would have hoped, but it was a lot of fun. Here's how one might make their own "Day with Daddy."

1. Begin with an art project. Today's activity: Mother's Day pictures for mommy. (Okay, so it is a day late, but soooo cute nonetheless.)
2. Let small ones rest up, let older watch first movie of day.

3. Load all children in the car and take to special nearby park. Fight unusually large crowd for it being school time and a Monday.
4. Play at park, watch the ducks and turtles, go on swings. (From Kyler: "The bad news was the bottoms cannons were not working. The tops ones were, that was the good news.") 5. Load all kids back in car and take to fast food lunch (McDonald's here we come!).
6. Return home, watch second movie of the day, take naps and actually have all three kids sleeping at once for exactly one half hour.
7. Welcome mommy home.
8. Eat dinner, watch half of third movie of the day while mommy runs an errand.
9. Go for walk, get and enjoy frozen yogurt, go to bed early (because daddy wore them out).

All involved had a great time and I am sure they can't wait until they can do it again.



  1. Wow!! Props to Jason for taking on all 3 in one day...I'm still trying to take our 2 at the same himself!

  2. Yes, he is very brave! I give him props for remembering to put a bow in Kassidy's hair.
