Thursday, December 23, 2010

If You Just Ask

There is a club at the school where I work called Interact that focuses on community service. One of their major events is done during December called "Dear Santa." The get names and (some) details for children or families from a local social services office that are in extreme need during the holiday season. As far as I can remember I have always participated with my classes in this endeavor and for the past few years I and usually about 9 other math teachers band together to collect for families. This year we had five families we were "adopting." I tell my students a little about their situation and then ask if they will be able to donate. I don't promise them anything in return - no extra credit, no perks, no party, nothing - just a warm feeling when they give. Every year they AMAZE me with how much they can and do give. I always set a lofty goal of $1000 for all five classes combined and somehow I make that goal each year. This year was the best my kids have ever done and I was so proud of what they could do together. I collected over $1500 from just my students! Just from donations! With the other classes we had almost $6000 to spend on the five families. We got each of the 26 people a gift as well as gift cards for gas, groceries, and clothing / general stores. We got a little Christmas tree for each family and wrapped it all up in a big storage bin. It is an amazing thing to be a part of and just wanted to share with you how great my students were!

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