Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Victorious V Day

The letter V! Various activities were scheduled today in honor of the letter V. Kyler, Kassidy and Konner spent the morning with Emily playing a little volleyball. Kassidy of course dressed in a violet colored dress, which matched perfectly with some violet letter Vs Tami and Kyler cut out. For lunch we went to one of our favorite burger joints - Volcano Burger. (Oh so yummy fried zucchini.) Later in the afternoon we got to visit with our cousin Van. The boys were playing so nicely, they just couldn't stop to have a nice "together" picture taken. For dinner we of course had vegetables with our pasta. After church Kyler vacuumed his room before everyone got to enjoy a vanilla ice cream treat.

Things we also learned:
Places we go- Volcano Burger, veterinarian, Veteran's Stadium, Vons
Foods we eat- vegetables, vanilla wafers, vanilla ice cream, veal
Things around us- vase, violin, valentines, veterans, vans, vehicles
Activities we do- vote, vacuum, vomit