Saturday, July 30, 2011

Old Fort Erie and Fireworks

Sunday was Granddaddy's birthday, so in between church services he got to choose what to do that day. He decided he wanted to check out Old Fort Erie a few miles up the river. In reality it was a little more than a few miles (try an hour) but our way there took us on the scenic tour of the homes along the river. It was a pleasant trip ogling and awing over the magnificent properties and houses. We finally arrived just with enough time to take a stroll around the fort. Old Fort Erie was originally built by the British, had been unoccupied several times and in the War of 1812 was captured by the American forces in the summer of 1814, and after using is as a base of operations destroyed it later that year. It is celebrating the 200 year anniversary of the War of 1812 next year, so the museum has been modernized and become interactive (very nicely done by the way) and the outlying fort has "real" people dressed in the attire of the day out there to answer questions. Kyler's goal was to have his picture taken with as many canons as he could. It was quick and we wished we had had more time to check out all they had to offer.That night after church, the kids decked out in their new Canada t-shirts, we walked back down to The Falls to do some final souvenir shopping and to sample a dish we had been seeing all over Canada. It was called poutine. At first glance it's picture looks like a dessert, but it is french fries covered in brown gravy and cheese curds. It actually tasted pretty good and reminded us of a loaded up baked potato. We were also able to view the fireworks show they have every Friday and Sunday. These treats were worth the walk back up the hill to the hotel!

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