Monday, September 28, 2009

The Schooling Begins

Kyler is officially a preschool student! Today was Kyler 's first day of preschool. He is going to be going Monday through Thursday from nine to noon. It is a nice treat for him AND the babies who get to play without his pestering for a while. It is located at the school where I work and is part of an ROP (Regional Occupational Program) class. (I was able to have someone cover my class for me so that I could go over and snap a few pictures.) If you ask him how it went today, you won't get much of an answer. He said they did nothing, of course. But here is what I could get out of him. They had goldfish and apple juice for their snack, he got to play on the castle on their mini playground, one teacher's (high school student's) name is Madison, and he told another kid, "There's no crying in preschool." (That last part I got from a little bird who told me.) So even though nothing happened, he said he would like to go back tomorrow. It's a little weird sending him somewhere where I don't know everything that is going on. I guess I am just being sentimental (what will I do when he goes to college!), but he is now grown up into a real "big kid." And I couldn't be prouder!


  1. Horray for "Big" Kids and no major incidents so far!!!

  2. My Perschooler can beat up your Perschooler any day
